
Schedule is not complete yet

We're still selecting talks and speakers for SymfonyLive Berlin 2024. The following list only shows the already confirmed talks. Come back in a few days to see the full schedule.

Testing with Doubles: Why, When, and How?

Avatar of Sebastian Bergmann Sebastian Bergmann

So you want to test a unit of code that depends on other units of code. When should you replace the real dependencies with Test Stubs or Mock Objects? When should you let the code under test collaborate with the real depended-on units of code?

Come to this presentation and learn the ins and outs of stubs and mocks. By the end of this presentation, you will understand how PHPUnit's test double functionality works and which parts of it you should stay clear of.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.

From Pickles to Pie: Sweeten Your PHP Extension Installs

Avatar of Andreas Braun Andreas Braun

What started out as a sweet PEAR is now a sour PECL, and after many years of dealing with brined cucumbers it’s time to dish out some sweet new tools. Join us for a trip down memory lane as we take a look at the acquired taste of PHP extensions and their challenges from writing and publishing them to finally handling the installation procedure you are all too familiar with. The talk will give you an insight into an effort by the PHP foundation to bake a new PHP Installer for Extensions and how it will solve some of the challenges of dealing with PHP extensions.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Introductory talk, no prior knowledge needed.

Composer Behind the Scenes

Avatar of Nils Adermann Nils Adermann

Ever wondered what happens under the hood when you run a Composer update or why Composer 2 got so much faster? Learn about some of its inner workings, some lesser known parts and why they may be useful to you, as well as upcoming features and future plans.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Advanced talk, in-depth exploration of the topic.

Plants vs thieves: Web Security and Tests!?

Avatar of Ramona Schwering Ramona Schwering

Web security is vital in an evolving environment. Imagine your web app as a garden, defended like "Plants vs. Zombies." Our automated tests, like the vigilant plants, identify vulnerabilities. Instead of an endless fight, they act as defenders, addressing issues like thieves, intruders, or zombies if we stay on game terms. Join this session to learn how to ensure web security through your automated tests, emphasizing the fundamental testing types you know instead of focusing on tools only: Helping you navigate cyber threats without introducing new dedicated tools and ensuring your web apps stay secure.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.

This is a test: One-click Cypress.IO E2E testing in 45 seconds

Avatar of Roland Golla Roland Golla

Transform your team's approach to automated testing with a one-line code solution. This tool runs bi-hourly tests, offering visual proof of success and pinpointing errors precisely, fostering peace of mind and efficiency. Say goodbye to stress and hello to streamlined project management.

Automated testing can be a challenge for many developer teams. It costs money and time, brings trouble and exposes bugs, and often takes a lot of time. As a result, project management becomes dissatisfied and tests are sometimes completely neglected. This leads to stress and bad moods and slows down processes.

But what if we could create a complete test setup with just one line of code, which we save in our GitLab and run every 2 hours? Then we would have a monitoring tool that could even provide us with videos of successful tests. That way, everyone could see how well everything is working. Even if others don't want to, we know that we can sleep peacefully and relax.

And if pipelines suddenly fail, even though this is not the case, because for example an internal or external API call has caused an error that doesn't even exist, we could use screenshots and videos of all calls for documentation purposes to roll out the pipeline to all projects. This would be paid, prioritized, and with the friendly approval of management.

In this talk, Roland Golla - Cypress.IO ambassador - shows what makes good and stable tests and clears up common reservations. After that, there will be a live demo of how to set up a setup for your own site within seconds with an open source project and follow best practices.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Introductory talk, no prior knowledge needed.

Using container's features to manage complexity

Avatar of Viktor Pikaev Viktor Pikaev

For our AI assistant we used many of the features of the Symfony container to reduce and control the complexity of the system.

I would like to show how to use custom service tags, compiler passes and custom PHP attributes to build flexible and autoconfigurable system.

It will be shown using an example of our AI assistant, which is used in production in one of the largest fashion marketplaces in Nordic Europe.

This presentation is more about using the Symfony container and its strengths than about AI.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.

Enhancing your customers' search experience with Gally

Avatar of Stephan Hochdörfer Stephan Hochdörfer

In my presentation, I will introduce you to Gally, an advanced searchandising engine built on top of Symfony, API Platform, and Elasticsearch. During the talk, I will guide you through the process of setting up and configuring Gally alongside the Gally bundle for Sylius. You will learn what features Gally offers, how the Sylius integration works, and how to extend Gally to deal with custom entities for your specific use case.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Introductory talk, no prior knowledge needed.

Designing Security-First Symfony Apps

Avatar of Stiven Llupa Stiven Llupa

Start exploring secure software development with Stiven Llupa. Learn how you can integrate security into development and simplify the process with Symfony. Symfony components, tools like Composer, libraries like Doctrine and Monolog, help mitigate security risks, ensuring more secure applications.

Join us to hear more on what is secure software development and practical insights from a real-world project. Enhance your Symfony projects without compromising security -- don't miss out!

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Introductory talk, no prior knowledge needed.

Strict PHP

Avatar of Alexander M. Turek Alexander M. Turek

Its loose type system and implicit type casts make PHP a perfect programming language for beginners. However, if we rely on those features heavily, we will eventually end up with a codebase that is hard to control and maintain. In this session, Alexander will open up his toolbox and show how a stricter way of programming PHP applications helps him to not lose pace when applying changes to PHP applications.

Delivered in English

Date/time to be announced

Introductory talk, no prior knowledge needed.