
Getting the Most Out of PHPStan

Avatar of Ondřej Mirtes Ondřej Mirtes

PHP is nothing like compiled languages. If you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

PHPStan is a popular static analyser focused on finding bugs in your code. By leveraging the strength of PHP type system further enhanced in PHPStan itself, developers can create robust applications and discover bugs early in the development process. The aid the tool provides during refactoring is also indispensable.

In this workshop, the attendees will learn how to install, configure and run PHPStan, and also receive tips how to write code so that PHPStan can be as powerful as possible. They will also be able to write their own PHPStan rules and extensions.

1-day Workshop (7 hours)
Delivered in English
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM

DDD and Symfony in practice

Avatar of Stefan Koopmanschap Stefan Koopmanschap

Last year at SymfonyCon I told you about the theory behind using Domain-Driven Design to understand what problem you should be solving. If you were there or obtained basic knowledge of DDD elsewhere, but don't know where to start: During this workshop we'll work on a project where we will split domains and bounded contexts, introduce a basic hexagonal design, and implement some new functionality by using the features of Symfony that make it easy for us to accomplish our objectives.

1-day Workshop (7 hours)
Delivered in English
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM

Custom Chatbots with GPT & Symfony

Avatar of Christopher Hertel Christopher Hertel

OpenAI's GPT has created a lot of excitement, and especially building custom chatbots is a common use case. In this workshop, we will tackle the basics of GPT, some common architectural pattern when using LLMs, and create our own custom chatbot using the Symfony framework.

By the end of the workshop, you'll know how to combine GPT with Symfony to make your product or website more interactive. Join us for a fun and practical session where you can see the power of AI and Symfony in action.

1-day Workshop (7 hours)
Delivered in English
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM

Refactor your code - refactor yourself

Avatar of Peter Dietrich Peter Dietrich

In this workshop we will be looking at tools, processes and a helpful mindset for refactoring projects.
Interestingly, some of the principles can also be applied to yourself and can help you to understand your inner "programming" - and its limits in your daily live.

Peter Dietrich, Software-Developer with 25 years of IT background and (future, in training) Gestalt-therapist will be taking you through a combined day of technical depths, debts, and the depths of your mind.

If you are willing to dive into technical details and also dare to look at yourself and the legacy code in your brain, this will be right for you.

1-day Workshop (7 hours)
Delivered in English
Edition #1: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM Edition #2: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM

Mastering OOP & Design Patterns

Avatar of Alexandre Salomé Alexandre Salomé

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) goes beyond the design of classes and interfaces. It includes a wide variety of concepts such as objects, entities, value objects, services, design models, SOLID principles, calisthenics, coupling, etc. Mastering OOP often requires several years of experience.

This workshop will help you to better understand all these concepts in order to write more maintainable, robust and testable object-oriented code. You will also discover techniques to reduce the complexity of your code and make your classes more specific and therefore simpler. You will also learn how to recognize and exploit the power of design models (factory, adapter, composite, decorator, mediator, strategy, etc.).

1-day Workshop (7 hours)
Delivered in English
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Starts at 9:00 AM