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An SSO with Keycloak and Symfony

Avatar of Laurent VOULLEMIER Laurent VOULLEMIER

The SSO (single sign-on) are increasingly used in the information systems. From Saas products to company internal softwares, they are a common way to connect securely to several applications with the same identifiers.

In this talk, we are going to talk about Keycloak, an IAM (Identity and Access Management) with many features. Keycloak allows for instance to connect with Facebook or other social networks identifiers, to take advantage of 2FA, to have password renewal strategies... And so on !

After a short presentation of the tool, we'll see how to plug it into a Symfony application, using a custom authenticator.

Delivered in English
Track SensioLabs

Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 11:55 AM – 12:30 PM

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.