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Controlling Smart Light Bulbs with Symfony Console and PHP

Avatar of Sherri Wheeler Sherri Wheeler

PHP isn't all work and no play... in fact there are a growing number of uses for PHP in the home automation industry. In this talk we'll create a basic app with Symfony Console then use an existing library to connect to and control a pair of Philips Hue smart light bulbs. From authorizing our application to talk to the bridge, to finding the lights available to the fun of switching their state, brightness, colour and more. This intermediate topic will expand the range of uses we can turn to PHP for.

Note for photosensitive viewers: this talk contains flashing/blinking lights.

Delivered in English
Track SensioLabs

Friday, June 17, 2022 at 14:10 PM – 14:45 PM

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.