Crafting Elegant Symfony Tests

Avatar of Kevin Bond Kevin Bond

Writing and reviewing integration and functional tests with Symfony can be clunky. Using the traditional recommendations, they can be verbose, hard to follow, and require outside state. I think tests should be concise, read like a story, and not require some kind of known initial state (i.e. pre-loaded database fixtures). I'd like to put a spotlight on several 3rd party bundles (some maintained by me) and show how they can be used to improve your testing experience. I'll demonstrate how easy and fun creating a new feature for your app can be using these bundles and TDD.

Finally, I'll share my ideas for a "Symfony Testing Initiative" that I'm spearheading to bring these excellent testing tools into Symfony core (as both code and official docs/best practices).

Delivered in English
Track Symfony

Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 16:30 PM – 17:05 PM

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.