The missing Gotenberg Bundle. Components, Assemble!
Since wkhtmltopdf was deprecated, it is difficult to find an easy to use / setup library to generate PDF's.
Amongst the existing solutions, we chose to focus solely on Gotenberg.
The existing SDK did not match our needs as it provides only static classes, so we decided to give a try and create ourselves a brand new Bundle with the DX possible for Symfony Developpers & PHPStorm users.
From the fast HttpClient to the forgotten Webhook, let's see how existing components can help us to make PDF generation fast and easy to use.
To do so we had to ask ourselves a few questions which we will cover together !
How do we expose a friendly, yet semantic configuration ?
How to ensure great auto-completion for ease of use ?
What needs to be done to have a proper Profiler ?
How to keep memory efficiency by leveraging the HttpClient ?
How to make the asynchrone generation easy ?
Come and discover how generating PDF's is now as easy as using twig !