API development with API Platform
API Plaftorm has become a very popular framework for building advanced and modern API-driven web projects. This includes: - a super powerful server component based on Symfony to create hypermedia web APIs and GraphQL; - a generator of progressive web applications (ReactJS, Vue.js) and native mobile applications (React Native); - a ReactJS administration interface (ReactJS + admin on standby).
After an overview of the modern API models and formats (REST, Swagger, Hypermedia, HATEOAS, JSON-LD, Hydra, Schema.org, GraphQL...), we will learn how to use and extend the most popular features of the component: Swagger documentation, pagination, validation, sorting, filtering, authentication, authorization, content negotiation, data model generation using Schema.org vocabulary. Finally, we will discover how easy it is to use the client-side toolbox (JavaScript).
Starts at 9:00 AM Edition #2: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Starts at 9:00 AM
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