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Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX

Avatar of Ryan Weaver Ryan Weaver

Building great User Experiences with JavaScript is difficult. It takes time to choose reliable packages, to configure them, to integrate them in your pages, and to make your front-end code interact with the rest of your infrastructure. In December 2020, Symfony unveiled a tool that helps on these regards: Symfony UX.

This workshop will introduce you to Symfony UX and the tools it relies on: Webpack Encore, Stimulus, Jest and Testing Library. We will discover how to build modular and interactive interfaces using small reusable JavaScript components that can be easily tested automatically. We will also discover how to rely on Symfony UX and Swup to build advanced User Experiences using the micro-frontends approach. Finally, we will discuss a little bit about React and how it can be used inside of your Symfony UX applications to increase even more its capabilities.

1-day Workshop
Delivered in English
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Starts at 9:00 AM