Into the light - refactoring instead of rewriting
Under the banner "Refactoring, not rewriting", this workshop addresses the challenges that arise when updating legacy applications.
Throughout the workshop, various methods and tools will be presented that enable even the oldest applications to be gently but persistently updated to the latest versions of PHP and Symfony. Special attention is paid to creating parallel operation between old and new systems. This includes:
- Refactoring techniques, when and how to modify old code
- How to set up web server routes, Symfony routing, and containers in the old code, as well as how to perform remote service call for for parallel operation
- Creating simple smoke tests with PHPUnit: This tool allows us to verify the basic functionality of our application to ensure that the key features are working as expected.
- Quality tools: We introduce tools such as phpstan, php-cs-fixer, rector, deptrac, etc., which help to secure and improve the quality of your code.
Participants of this workshop will not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills to make their existing applications more efficient and future-proof.
Starts at 09:00
Check out the rest of workshops of SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 conference.