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This is a test: One-click Cypress.IO E2E testing in 45 seconds

Avatar of Roland Golla Roland Golla

Automated testing can be a challenge for many developer teams. It costs money and time, brings trouble and exposes bugs, and often takes a lot of time. As a result, project management becomes dissatisfied and tests are sometimes completely neglected. This leads to stress and bad moods and slows down processes.

But what if we could create a complete test setup with just one line of code, which we save in our GitLab and run every 2 hours? Then we would have a monitoring tool that could even provide us with videos of successful tests. That way, everyone could see how well everything is working. Even if others don't want to, we know that we can sleep peacefully and relax.

And if pipelines suddenly fail, even though this is not the case, because for example an internal or external API call has caused an error that doesn't even exist, we could use screenshots and videos of all calls for documentation purposes to roll out the pipeline to all projects. This would be paid, prioritized, and with the friendly approval of management.

In this talk, Roland Golla - Cypress.IO ambassador - shows what makes good and stable tests and clears up common reservations. After that, there will be a live demo of how to set up a setup for your own site within seconds with an open source project and follow best practices.

Delivered in English