Multi-tenant applications using Symfony, for real?
Over the last decades, with more development moving toward the web and because of increasing privacy concerns and regulations, data isolation as a requirement became more prevalent.
The concept behind multi-tenancy is to isolate different entities (customers, users, institutions, etc.) data while using, maintaining and usually deploying a single codebase. Seems simple on paper, right?
Or does it? The multi-tenancy topic is often perceived as complex and the implementation job feared, without mentioning the maintenance burden.
Is it with due reason? Or is it some part of a myth because, historically, multi-tenancy used to be an "Enterprise"-grade software exclusivity?
Let's check!
After a brief overview of the concept and the general challenges induced by multi-tenancy, we will review the most common ways teams are implementing multi-tenancy. We will then discover why PHP is a good candidate for multi-tenant software despite the general opinion. Finally, let's explore how one can leverage Symfony features to ease their job implementing and maintaining multi-tenant stacks.
Who knows? We might even find some tricks to implement hybrid solutions or some alternative architectures along the way 😁