PHPUnit 10 for Symfony Developers

Avatar of Sebastian Bergmann Sebastian Bergmann

Version 10 is probably the biggest update so far for PHPUnit. Almost all internals of PHP's most widely used testing framework and test runner have undergone long overdue changes to improve the developer experience of those who work on PHPUnit. This presentation highlights the improvements that were made for those that write and run tests with PHPUnit every day and shows why some parts of Symfony's PHPUnit Bridge might be removed soon.

Join Sebastian Bergmann, creator and maintainer of PHPUnit, to learn everything you need to know about PHPUnit 10. You will experience new features, big and small, in action and see how they can support you to effectively and efficiently test your software.

Delivered in English
Symfony room

Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 14:30 PM – 15:05 PM

Intermediate talk, some familiarity with the topic required.