Replay Past Symfony Conferences
Vienna / Austria December 5 – 6, 2024
45 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- HTTP compression in Symfony apps
- Building a Fraud Prevention component using Symfony
- Strict PHP
- GraphQL, REST or RPC? Making the choice!
Online June 6 – 7, 2024
15 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- Leveraging Symfony UX in a Real Application
- Revisiting lazy objects in PHP and Symfony
- Carry out the best audit for your client
- Practical insight into modulithic architecture
Paris / France March 28 – 29, 2024
15 talks in French, including:- Petite thérapie de couple : je vous apprends à aimer le front-end
- Un Serializer sous stéroïdes
- Comment tester une API externe en ayant 0 Mocks ?
- L'instabilité de nos tests nous empêche de délivrer
Online January 18 – 19, 2024
36 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- TDD Styles: London VS Chicago
- Using symfony/messenger standalone
- How to use GPT with your Symfony app
- Multi-tenant applications using Symfony, for real?
Brussels / Belgium December 7 – 8, 2023
38 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- Your Weakness is Your Superpower
- PHPUnit 10 for Symfony Developers
- Keynote: Is Remote the past or the future of work?
- Get a grip on your project's supply chain
Berlin / Germany October 5 – 6, 2023
15 talks in German, including:- Transparente Benzinpreise mit Aggregation Pipelines in MongoDB
- Von Chaos zu Kontrolle: Exception Handling in Symfony
- Identity Crisis: OAuth2, OIDC & Symfony
- Anatomie des Request Handlings
Online June 15 – 16, 2023
16 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- Modern UIs with UX, a little JS & Zero Node
- Is SOLID dead? Let's discuss reusable software design
- Tests in a Symfony application
- Here comes Symfony 6.3!
Paris / France March 23 – 24, 2023
14 talks in French, including:- Du social à la tech - plaidoyer en faveur des profils atypiques
- Retour sur 12 mois d'innovations
- Symfony UX sans NPM ni WebPack ! #UseThePlatform
- Keynote: The Scheduler Component
Online December 8 – 9, 2022
36 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- From a legacy Monolith to a Symfony Service Oriented Architecture with zero downtime
- Dilemmas and decisions. What we've learned designing new Sylius API
- Calculating what we can’t see: carbon emissions in the cloud
- Unleashing the power of lazy objects in PHP 🪄
Paris / France November 17 – 18, 2022
37 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- The PHP Stack’s Supply Chain
- Schrödinger's SQL - The SQL inside the Doctrine box
- A self-training journey to the Symfony Certification - and beyond
- Panel: how agency partners drive innovation and growth
Online June 16 – 17, 2022
18 talks in English, with subtitles when available, including:- SULU - An introduction to a Symfony enterprise CMS
- The Single-Page Application Dilemma
- Demystifying Bundles
- What's new in Symfony 6.1?
Paris / France April 7 – 8, 2022
14 talks in French, including:- Code asynchrone dans une application Symfony synchrone
- Comment valider dynamiquement de la donnée
- Vous avez dit Symfony 6.1?
- Connaissez-vous vraiment JWT ?